All you need to know about Axie Infinity

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Have you ever wondered why Axie Infinity is the hottest crypto game on the market? What is all the hype about?
Ever since non-fungible token crypto-collectibles known as NFTs gained so much popularity among the crypto community on the internet in many different forms such as artwork and videos in early 2021, a variety of blockchain-based video games had already been making progress in the space before most people realized.
As NFTs became mainstream, Axie Infinity the Sky Mavis studio’s beloved blockchain-based video game took off. It even got bigger when growth in the wider NFT market started to cool down a bit.
How does it work?
Axie Infinity is kind of a monster-battling game that runs on the ethereum blockchain with the help of a sidechain called Ronin that is commonly known for minimizing transaction delays and fees. Axie, to some extent, is inspired by Nintendo’s widely acclaimed Pokémon series in which the player needs to collect cartoonish cute little monsters and pit teams of these adorable creatures against each other in combat.
The game is mainly focused on turn-based battles, either against live opponents or a central processing unit (CPU); in Axie’s case, computer-controlled Axie teams.
Getting started
Since Axie is entirely built around NFT items, for players to be able to enter the game, they need to buy three characters called Axis to create their first team. So basically, players will, first of all, have to buy ETH from a cryptocurrency exchange and create a Ronin wallet account to deposit their ETH into it. Then they will have to go to the official Axie marketplace and log in using their Ronin wallet to purchase their first three Axis. The game is playable on iOs, Mac, PC, and Android.
What is so special about Axie Infinity?
Unlike conventional in-game items, all of your NFTs or in other words, Axis confer ownership on you being the buyer. In addition, your Axis can be easily exchanged for real money. Although it is all in all an expensive game to play, which can be a roadblock for many players, the rewards are tangible and worth it. It is also interesting to know that the cheapest Axie on sale currently costs around $200 and the most expensive Axie ever, went for more than $600,000 or roughly 300 ETH, as of this writing. What makes this game so special is its play-to-earn nature and the element of ownership that is
added into the mix. The more time and effort you put into it, the more you can get out of it!
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